Planetes Wiki

Turning Point is the 14th episode of the science fiction television series Planetes (Anime). It was aired in Japan on January 17, 2004.


Tanabe and Hachimaki hesitate to realize their feelings for each other, especially after Robbie informs the Debris Section that office romance is prohibited because of the risk of demotion or reassignment. Hachimaki accidentally insults Tanabe while trying to prove he isn't in a relationship, and she rejects him multiple times. On a test flight of the new Toy Box, the Debris Section become embroiled in company intrigue, as they choose to help a scientist move an orbital research facility away from a meteoroid against the will of the Technora Third Division manager, whose daughter was involved in an office romance with the scientist. After saving the facility, the scientist thanks the Debris Section for their help, and Tanabe is impressed with Hachimaki's handling of the situation. Hachimaki asks Tanabe to be his girlfriend, and she responds by kissing him [1].

In the World[]

  • Japan: Tāningu Pointo (ターニング·ポイント)
  • Catalonia: Punt d’inflexió
  • France: Revirement
  • Germany: Wendepunkt
  • Italy: Punto di svolta
  • Portugal: Ponto de inflexão
  • Spain: Punto de inflexión
  • Teremedó: Pum ďinḟlaksió