In order to facilitate uniformity of the articles here on Planetes Wiki, this Manual of Style has been drawn up to guide you on the preferred writing and formatting techniques and style.
Article Layout[]
The following layouts should be used. If a section is not applicable, simply leave it out.
- /Televsion Series
- /Manga
- /Episode
- /Chapter
- /Vehicle
- /Character
- /Faction
- /Location
- /Technology
- /Event
Article Titles[]
The English name of an entity should be the one used the most in official sources. If multiple sources provide different romanizations/translations, the one used in the most recent animated source (i.e. the official subtitles) is preferred.
Any other official English names for the entity that are not used can appear in the article's Infobox and their Notes & Trivia section.
If no official source can be found for an article, it falls back to the most common unofficial romanization/translation.
An exception is made for song articles. If the official song title in its original script was Latin, that should be the article title. If any or all parts of the original song title are in Japanese or another non-Latin script, then those parts should be transliterated.
Title Capitalization[]
This applies to article titles as well as section titles and category names. Unless normally written with different capitalization in official sources (e.g. narrative), title case should always be used. This means that the first letter of all words should be capitalized, except for internal articles, prepositions and conjunctions. For example, we do not capitalize the "of" in Part of the Job but we do for the "The" in The Lunar Flying Squirrels because it is at the start of the title.
Character Names[]
Names are not stored in biographical format, but in normal English. For example, Fee Carmichael is used as opposed to the biographical format Carmichael, Fee.
The term in-universe is used to describe articles that belong to the Planetes universe exclusively and not to the real world. For example, characters are in-universe, but their voice-actors are out-of-universe. An in-universe perspective will strive for verisimilitude; that is, it will be written as though the author existed within the Gundam universe. Any in-universe-related articles, such as characters, technology, vehicles, terminology, or events, should always be written from an in-universe perspective.
All in-universe articles should be in past tense.
Out-of-Universe (OOU) refers to something written from an out-of-universe perspective. OOU articles are written from a real life point of view. Some examples are real life publications, voice-actors, artists, events, and so on, acknowledging that its subject is fictional.
In-text citations are done using Extension:Cite where <ref></ref> tags in the source code generate numbered references in superscript square brackets e.g. [1], these link to a corresponding source in a Reference section. In this section, the main element is a <references /> tag.
The style of citation we use is to have the in-text citation be within the punctuation similar to (but not the same as) the IEEE style.
If you are citing a work, episode or chapter using Template:Ref, the tags are already there for you. If not, you should use either Template:Cite book or Template:Cite web between <ref></ref> tags. Please read Project:Reliable Sources to find out which template you should use for the source you have.
Organizing References[]
If there are few of them, the citations themselves can be defined in the <ref></ref> tags and get automatically added to the <references /> tag at the bottom of the article. But if there are many citations, it is better to define and organize them in <references></references> tags first and use <ref name=""></ref> above in the rest of the article:
<references> <!--Embedded videos--> [[:File:Name of video|Name of video]] <!--Physical releases--> Use Template:Cite AV media <!--Media articles--> Use Template:Ref which has the ref tags built-in <!--Manuals--> Use Template:Cite book <!--Books--> Use Template:Cite book <!--Magazines--> Use Template:Cite book <!--Mooks--> Use Template:Cite book <!--Fact Files--> Use Template:Cite book <!--Webpages--> Use Template:Cite web </references>
If footnotes are necessary a Footnotes section can be inserted above the References section. Using Extension:Cite <references group="note" /> in the Footnotes section. Wherever you need a footnote, use <ref group="note"></ref>.