Planetes Wiki


Gigalt Gangaragash is a character that appears in Planetes, a veteran astronaut, he was formerly a member of the Technora Corporation's Debris Section and later a member of the Orbital Security Agency. He was both Hachimaki's and Hakim's EVA instructor.

When working, he was very serious and had a very strict nature, however, it was revealed that he also had a mischievous side. In a discussion with Goro Hoshino, he recalled how they used to steal sausages on Mars together.

Gigalt contracted cancer (most probably lung cancer) from prolonged exposure to radiation from his many EVA missions. This illness ultimately led to his death.

Gigalt had a habit of bestowing nicknames on work partners, including Hachimaki's nickname of 'Hachi', which is the only one which stuck. The last two nicknames he bestowed were 'Angel' to Ai Tanabe, and 'Artemis' to Nono while she kept him company at Tranquility City Hospital (Moon).



Graduated from U.S. astronautics university.


Hired by Vencome corporation.


Participated in the construction of an International Space Station.


Was among the crew of a ship that made the first round trip to Mars.


Left employment at Vencome.


Was among the crew that took the second round trip flight to Mars.


Became an instructor at a training school for astronaut recruits.


Flew with a crew on the 3rd round trip to Mars.


Hired by Technora.


Left employment at Technora.


Worked for the Orbital Security Agency.

Characters of Planetes
Main characters: Hachirota "Hachimaki" HoshinoAi TanabeFee CarmichaelYuri Mikhalkov
Minor characters: ClaireHakimGigaltNonoPhilippe MyersArvind RaviEdelMore…