Planetes Wiki

A Modest Request is Phase 12 of Planetes. It aired in Japan on December 20, 2003. It is an adaptation of the Phase 3 of the manga, A Cigarette Under Starlight.


Fee and Yuri take the Toy Box to the Moon for routine repairs. On her way to the smoking room there, Fee narrowly escapes a terrorist attack. She is told that there have been bombings set off by the Space Defense Front (SDF), a terrorist organization, in various smoking rooms to stop human development in space. Much to Fee's frustration, many of the smoking rooms on the Moon are being torn down. Meanwhile, Tanabe goes on for her date with Cheng-Shin, after she overhears her friend, Lucy Askam, seemingly asking out Hachimaki. However, she is really asking Hachimaki to help her date Cheng-Shin by becoming Tanabe's girlfriend. Fee is again unable to have a smoke after another terrorist attack in a nearby Moon city. Hachimaki and Tanabe accidentally damage her smoking chamber on the ISPV 7, further denying her the ability to smoke. Shortly after, during a debris mission, the SDF prepares to send a large missile towards the ISPV 7, in order to initiate the Kessler syndrome. Fee realizes that her newly repaired smoking chamber will be destroyed, and retaliates by driving the Toy Box straight into the missile, deflecting it into the Earth's atmosphere and destroying the Toy Box in the process. After saving the ISPV 7 from destruction, Fee safely lands on Earth, and is happily able to enjoy a cigarette [1].

In the World[]

  • Japan: Sasayaka naru Negai o (ささやかなる願いを)
  • Catalonia: Un desig humil
  • France: Un désir simple
  • Germany: Ein bescheidener Wunsch
  • Italy: Un piccolo desiderio
  • Portugal: Um humilde desejo
  • Spain: Un humilde deseo
  • Teremedó: 1 desiḣ xzmil